MOS - Shelf Pulls - Warehouse Damage - Case Packs
FOB Indiana
TRG238274; Qty 30712; Retail $176815; Cost $35363
Schwinn Deelite 20" Girls' Bike - Mint Green, Twin All Season Premium Down Comforter - Casaluna™, Razor Power Core E95 Electric Scooter - Blue, King 400 Thread Count Performance Printed Sheet Set Bella Floral - Threshold™, MEGA Pokémon Jumbo Charmander Building Set - 730pcs, Honeycomb Textured Knit Throw Blanket Cream - Threshold™ designed with Studio McGee, Pampers Swaddlers Active Baby Diapers Enormous Pack - Size 7 - 70ct
What Are MOS Loads?
MOS (Merchandise Off Shelf or Marked Out of Stock) is high-grade merchandise no longer for sale in Target stores. The loads are made up of shelf pulls, back stock, opened case packs, and overstock to be liquidated. Loss rates are typically very low. Target MOS loads have higher counts per SKU that many other loads, making them perfect for retail and online retail. Higher counts per SKU makes it easy to set up a display in your store or one online listing for multiple products instead of multiple listings for single products.

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