AZR2368833; Appx Qty 15-18k; Appx Retail $250-270k; Cost $18000
Typically Heaviest in Housewares & Kitchen, Toys, PCs & Electronics, Apparel, Health & Beauty
These loads are unmanifested (hence the name). Once manifested, these typically sell on the wholesale market for $25k+, in the 8-10% range. Get the loads before they are manifested, processed, and picked for high value items and save on % rates.
Sample manifests available from previously processed loads.
AZR2368834; Appx Qty 10-13k; Appx Retail $180-210k; Cost $15000
Typically Heaviest in Housewares & Kitchen, Toys, Health & Beauty, Groceries, PCs & Electronics
These loads are unmanifested (hence the name). Once manifested, these typically sell on the wholesale market for $25k+, in the 8-10% range. Get the loads before they are manifested, processed, and picked for high value items and save on % rates.
Sample manifests available from previously processed loads.
AZR2368835; Appx Qty 25-30k; Appx Retail $450k+; Cost $15000
Typically Heaviest in Groceries, Health & Beauty, Housewares & Kitchen, Pet Products, Toys
These loads are unmanifested (hence the name). Once manifested, these typically sell on the wholesale market for $35k+, in the 6-8% range. Get the loads before they are manifested, processed, and picked for high value items and save on % rates.
Sample manifests available from previously processed loads.
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