Overstock - Shelf Pulls - Clearance - Returns - Box Damage
FOB Missouri
DG2024MO - Your Cost $10500
Pallets 26 (6'+ Tall)
Dollar General Liquidation Truckloads are heavy in Housewares, Toys, Seasonal, Domestics, Apparel, Baby, Pet Supplies, Home Decor, and so much more.
Loads will contain pretty much anything Dollar General sells.
Unmanifested Shelf Pulls & Clearance
Warehouse Damage, Clearance, Shelf Pulls, End of Season
Great for retail and flea market venues. Fill your shelves for next to nothing!
Get A Shipping Quote
Send us an email with your zipcode
or give us a call
(513) 649-8129
(877) 862-6933 (UNBOXED)
Remember, most of what we sell never even makes it to email.
If you are looking for something you're not seeing, let us know and we'll get it for you!
Have the best day ever!
C.C. Snyder
(419) 575-9483 cell