Kohls Housewares loads have Instant Pot Pressure Cookers, Mr. Coffee, Toastmaster Deep Fryers, Xbox One Bundles, Nintendo Switch, Oster Performance Blenders, Foodsavers, Induction Rice Cookers, Rocking Chairs, Aluminum Nonstick Cookware, Samsung Sound Bars, AirGenius Air Purifiers, JBL Pulse, Convection Toasters, Instant Pot Pressure Cookers, Air Fryers, and so much more Customer Returns, Shelf Pulls, & Overstock from one of the Nation's Largest Department Stores! Warehouse Damage, Clearance Items, Buyer Remorse, Shelf Pulls, Customer Returns
FOB OHIO KL225078OH; Qty 1415; Wholesale $98884; Cost $21754 KL225079OH; Qty 1459; Wholesale $103167; Cost $22696 48 pallets!
Truckloads, Liquidation, Pallets, Salvage, General Merchandise, Online Returns, Overstock, Closeouts, Domestics, Health & Beauty, HBA, Groceries, Housewares, Home Improvement, Hardware, Tools, Apparel, Electronics, Ohio, Baby, GM, Furniture, Sporting Goods, Personal Computers, Automotive, Kitchen, Lawn & Garden, Mobile Electronics, Office Supplies, Personal Care Appliances